Healthy habits seniors should adopt

To maintain a high quality of life it is essential to have good health. It is never too late to adopt healthy habits and something everyone should do to age well.

On average it takes 66 days to make a new habit, it takes determination and setting reasonable goals to establish it into a routine. Healthy habits are particularly important for seniors to get the most out of their golden years.

Here are eight simple ways to achieve this.


1. Be physically active
As we age, muscle mass deteriorates but this can be slowed down with exercise. Seniors who live long are naturally active, they include moving and stretching as part of their daily routine.

Keeping physically active is vital for everyone, but especially for seniors who should aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise five times a week and at least two strength-training sessions.
Going for walks, playing with grandchildren, cycling and taking vacations all count towards staying active.

Exercise also helps to alleviate depression and improve both energy and memory which is important for overall well-being.


2. Have a healthy diet
For seniors to improve their quality of life, it all starts from within; therefore, a healthy diet is a must. Your diet may vary depending on any health issues you may have and you may need to follow recommendations from a doctor or consultant.

As we get older our digestive system slows down, so eating foods with high-fibre, vegetables and whole grains are extremely important to keep the digestive system working fully. Avoid food that is heavily processed, sugar and sodium as this can contribute to weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol and other serious health conditions.

Keeping hydrated is also very important as seniors are prone to dehydration. Drinking plenty of water helps to stay alert and energized. Eating food with high water content also helps to stay hydrated.


4. Have a routine / set some goals
A part of staying healthy and active requires having a routine or setting yourself a goal. This helps to give you a sense of purpose and a reason to get up and get ready each morning. It will also add structure to your day and keep your mind occupied. 


5. Sleep well
Create a comfortable environment for good sleep by reducing noise, light and heat. As we get older its harder to get the sleep we need, but sleep is very important so the body can rest and heal. Aim to sleep at the same time each night and limit the use of any screens to at least one hour before bedtime.


3. Manage your medication
Understand all the medications you are taking especially the side effects they may cause. Make sure they are reviewed regularly and make note of any new symptoms or side effects. Where possible try to use natural pain relief products especially when it comes to aches and pains.


6. Regular check-ups
Attend all your appointments to maintain good health. This includes GP appointments, dental appointments and eye examinations. Early detection of any problems is crucial to preventing long term damage.


7. Look after your mental health
Prioritising your mental health and well-being as a senior is just as important as looking after your physical health. Activities that ward off a decline in mental health include jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, word searches, reading and writing. If you live alone try and spend time with others so you still have some social interaction.


8. Stay connected
You may find yourself feeling isolated, especially if you are living on your own and over time find that you are out of touch with friends and family. There are lots of ways you can remain connected through various types of technology. WhatsApp, video calls via Zoom, Skype, Google Duo and Facetime to name just a few and various social media platforms can all help you from feeling isolated.